UKATA Asbestos in Soil and Made Ground

Asbestos in Soil and Made Ground

We are pleased to be working with Glenn Hughes from Ridgway Environmental Ltd who is an approved UKATA Member, to bring this UKATA Asbestos in Soil and Made Ground course as a third party licensed reseller.

Asbestos in soils awareness training is required to be given to employees whose work could foreseeably expose them to asbestos. In particular, it should be given to all people employed on projects to redevelop brownfield sites and or sites that have previously been occupied by industrial buildings that have been demolished, where it is foreseeable that their work will disturb the soils and ground on site and may expose them to ACMs that may be present within the soils on site.

Asbestos in soils awareness training is not training to work with any forms of asbestos. It is likely to form the first part of training for work on sites that contain ACMs within the soil.

How we can help

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, Regulation 10 requires every employer to ensure that adequate information, instruction and training is given to their employees who are, or who are liable to be, exposed to asbestos, or who supervise such employees.

Asbestos in soils awareness training is required to be given to employees whose work could foreseeably expose them to asbestos.

In particular, it should be given to all people employed on projects to redevelop brownfield sites and or sites that have previously been occupied by industrial buildings that have been demolished, where it is foreseeable that their work will disturb the soils and ground on site and may expose them to ACMs that may be present within the soils on site.

Attainment of the learning outcome for the qualification will be assessed by a multiple choice examination consisting of at least 15 questions under exam conditions.

Who it is aimed at

Supervisors and trades personnel, including trainees, such as but not limited to: site managers/supervisors/agents, site remediation employees, construction workers, ground workers, plant and machinery operators, utility installers/ maintainers and other such professionals.

Course Delivery

This UKATA approved course can be delivered remotely via the Teams platforms to groups of 10 or classroom based at your premises to groups of up to 15.  The duration is 3-4 hours. The Asbestos Awareness course must also have been taken within 6 months or we can run on the same day for both certificates to be attained.


Please contact us for more information.